A wonderful yet simple idea. Those interested pay $50 for a 6 hour venture to Teotitlán del Valle.
You visit two groups of 3 women each. They live in simple, clean but very poor homes. They have come together to obtain a loan of $ 100 = $1300 (pesos) each. Though small this is sizeable here. It allows them to obtain materials etc. to start a small business: weaving, tortilla production, dyed material etc. to be sold in the local market.
They are to pay the loan back & then may apply for a 2nd & 3rd. There is no interest charged. The son of the School´s founder, Carlos, began this particular micro-business. Unlike many, he charges no interest. All $ 50 goes to the loan.
As the provider of the $50 (60.6 British pounds or 67.25 Euro) your group meets afterwards over lunch to determine which group gets the loan that week - not an easy decision. No matter, after three tries, a group will obtain a loan. Most do so by the 2nd try. Apparently they learned a lot.
There is much to say about the visit - incredibly beautiful small woven rugs & resourceful women. It was very difficult to contain my emotions when I saw just how poor & weather worn they are. Vibrant & gracious.
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