So, with that in mind. simple actually, a wedding invitation. But not quite. This invitation is from a young man whom I met & taught at Loyola College 3 years ago. So you say?
The so is the kind of person he is. I knew he was impressive, grounded, kind and sensitive. For now I'll leave out handsome, athletic, smart though they too are true! He is also someone I came to call 'friend.' So off to Arcata/Eureka Airport - not on the beaten path! (For now I'll skip the little curious travel details including our being asked to move luggage from the hold up with us into the cabin to make more room for needed fuel. Fuel is liquid; luggage ain't. Hmm.I'll leave it at that.)
Not just a fun, enjoyable wedding - much more.
Ian and Anna designed a simple wedding; they composed their own vows including:
- a mutual invitation to allow each other to be who they are
- a shared commitment to both passion and compassion
What do they say? You know a person for whom he/she hangs out with? - or something like that!
I was treated to 3 days of incredible friends of the couple. More, I saw just how much love they shared: in the banter, in the guys dancing & miming key lyrics - just for fun, in the ready acceptance of a stranger - even one close to 40 years older, in the unbridled joy in the persons getting married, in their complete comfort with diversity, in their respect for family.
Those young people did not just have a party. They celebrated life and relationship.
The setting
The northern California region is magnificently beautiful. The Pacific at our feet below rocks, trees, and green of resplendent beauty.
I cannot but say that Anna and Ian, their friends, and the magnificence of nature - all reminded me of my belief that there surely is a God & he/she demands that we love one another, treating all his creation with reverence and joy.
Thank you Ian and Anna and all present: friends and family. "Let all creation praise the Lord."
1 comment:
California is a wonderful city to visit in the United States. Planning a Wedding in Trinidad. There are several reasons to have your wedding in Trinidad besides the fact that the average low temperature is 75 degrees and you can experience at least 8 hours..
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