Some realities:
- Will two people with the same identical situations both get asylum? 1 might; the other definitely not.
- Can I work legally while awaiting the Home Office's decison which takes about 10 - 14 years? NOPE. They do provide small flat & a few pounds a week. so sit back, relax, actually try a Rip Van Winkle trip. We'll wake you if anything develops.
- If the Home Office straight away says I have no merits for a case, will I be deported? Well, hmm, wait a minute. Depends. Ok, so then what do I do? Disappear might be best.
- I came to Europe through Greece is this a problem? Greece has a poor record in how they treat people seeking asylum for torture and persecution. Yeah, that's a problem. We'll deport you. (Honey, could I have another cocktail? And where is that cleaning lady?)
- What do I do with 14 years of days of no work (that is 5110 days or 122,604 hours.) Hmm. a good question. Hey, you could watch telly & see our football Manager grimmace. Heck he'll paid only £6m a year. Oh thanks. I can catch the dream. Some day!
Editor's Note: Could Fabio (Manager) possibly live on 1/2 a million a year? Gosh, then the other 5 1/2 could go to paying off national debt, assistance for those most in need, cancer research etc. Ok, just a thought! Silly me.
£6,ooo,ooo = $ 8,895,599.84
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